Essen, Germany, 23 April 2015. For the 13th time DMT is inviting specialists and decision makers from the mining and natural resources sector to discuss current developments in the raw materials…
Essen, Germany, 24.03.2015. The main focal points of the "4th Essen Technical Meeting on Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste" were the current development of the "Endlagerkommission", the German…
Essen, Germany, 04.03.2015. For 278 years DMT GmbH & Co. KG in Essen and its predecessor organizations have been providing services for the mining industry, for 25 years now operating under the brand…
Essen, Germany, 01.09.2014. From 1st September 2014 IMC Group Consulting Ltd. (IMC GCL), the British subsidiary of DMT, will trade under the name “DMT Consulting Ltd”. Likewise as of 01.09.2014 the…
Um Auszubildenden eine umfangreichere Ausbildung und damit bessere Chancen im späteren Berufsleben zu ermöglichen, kooperiert die Essener DMT GmbH & Co. KG im Rahmen der Ausbildung zum…
Essen, Germany, 16.04.2014. The University of Leoben, Austria's university for mining, metallurgy and materials, has conferred an honorary professorship on Dr Bodo Lehmann, head of the Exploration &…
Auswahlverfahren für Endlagerstandorte, die Herausforderungen der Schachtanlage Asse sowie die Endlagerplanungen Belgiens standen beim "3. Essener Fachgespräch Endlagerbergbau" am 20. März 2014 im…
Heinz-Gerd Körner, CEO and HR Board Director at DMT retired on 31st March 2014. After holding a managerial position at DMT since the company's inception in 1990, Körner was appointed to the executive…