Investigation of sediment transport in the planned Geeste Estuary in Bremerhaven
Client: Bremenports GmbH & Co. KG
Duration: 12 months
Water is a vital resource. Careful and sustainable use of this element, which includes efficient groundwater management, is essential for our clients and for us – at the same time it is also a complex and responsible task.
DMT supports private companies and public clients worldwide by providing specialized engineering and consulting services focusing on the entire water cycle. These include the areas of:
The global challenge is to balance competing uses of and interests in this vital element. Areas of tension include hydraulics vs. constituents, near-surface vs. deep groundwater, site-specific vs. regional approaches, increasing water demand vs. sustainability, water use vs. discharge management. In addition, there are changing boundary conditions (e.g., due to climate change) such as water scarcity or water in excess, selective use or discharge, stricter environmental regulations, or new limits on substances in groundwater. This means that planning in hydrogeology and hydrology must consider multiple interests. Our goal is to analyze the complex water systems and to optimize water use taking the interests and the environment into account, always keeping groundwater management at the forefront of our considerations.
We help to reduce investment costs through forward-looking planning, and likewise to reduce operating costs through optimized use of existing resources. We offer individual consulting, develop solutions and deliver partial or complete packages for water management projects. We prepare analyses and concept studies, offer preliminary and detailed design including cost estimation, and take care of project management and construction supervision. Our clients benefit from well-founded forecasts and realistic scenarios based on our many years of experience in hydrogeology and water management.
Groundwater management: In water management, we focus on the protection and sustainable use of groundwater resources. We observe and evaluate changes in groundwater status and relate them to natural conditions. On this basis, we draw up catalogs of measures for the sustainable improvement of groundwater status and develop plans for optimized groundwater management. Based on measurements and investigations of the water, we determine the aquifers and the depth of the groundwater table, as well as its range of fluctuation. We support you with planning and numerical groundwater modeling as well as for mine and surface water. A special focus is on consulting and planning of deep foundations and infrastructure measures such as tunnel construction.
DMT currently advises on projects such as the construction of hydropower plants and dams, impact assessment of mine water rises, coupling of groundwater, mine water and surface water models, planning new mines, keeping subsidence streams dry and optimizing mine water management in mining areas, where groundwater management is a key factor.
In the field of solute transport in groundwater and mine water, we are dealing with the occurrence, mobility, dispersion and possible degradation of dissolved or particle-bound substances. We have many years of experience in the exploration, remediation or safeguarding of groundwater contamination. For this purpose, independent investigations of sorption and degradation behavior and numerical modeling are carried out to find optimal measures. Monitored and Enhanced Natural Attenuation (MNA and ENA) methods are also applied to these measures, which are based on the targeted use of microbial degradation processes.
Sediment Management: The transport of sediments, substances and heat in surface waters can be influenced in a sustainable way by measures taken at the water body. Generally, this allows for complex situations in the water body that have to be recognized and interpreted. DMT is the right partner for this. Through a high level of expertise and the use of numerical models, DMT analyzes both the hydraulic situation and the prevailing transport mechanisms. This analysis usually allows optimizations to be made to the plans and costs to be saved.
We cover the entire spectrum of fundamental investigations in the context of water resource and groundwater management. From assessments, technical specialist studies and the evaluation of environmental pressures to the development of "digital twins" that not only visualize complex processes in digital form, but also determine and automatically control the optimal operating process. In sediment management, we also use numerical models to simulate water flow and to calculate sediment and solute transport, heat transport, and hydro- and geochemical reactions.
The issues surrounding the water cycle require innovative solutions and methods. DMT has developed specialized software for the mine water sector that is used worldwide: Boxmodel With two programs derived from it, Heatflow and ReacFlow. They can be used to model groundwater flow as well as heat transport, with special consideration of faults, and the transport of solutes, considering chemical reactions, respectively. In addition, a large number of well-known and widely used programs such as Spring and Feflow for numerical groundwater modelling are utilized by us for hydrological and hydrogeological problems.
Groundwater management / Mine water management
Surface water
Drinking water