Cokemaking Services

We are proud to look back upon more than seventy years of research and development in the field of coke making. Today, we provide state-of-the-art investigation methods and our profound carbon process knowledge. We serve you with world-class expertise on a fully independent and objective basis.

DMT specializes in testing and consultancy for coal blend optimization as well as coal analysis and coke quality control on industry standards in coke testing and making. We support and attend to steel plants and iron manufacturers worldwide, using both standardized processes and in-house specially developed equipment for carbonization needs, coal coke inspection and testing from our location in the centre of industrial Europe: Essen, Germany.

Coal Blend Optimisation

With our expertise in consultancy, technologies and services, we help to design the best blends that meet our clients' demands. For more than 70 years DMT has been collecting data from steel coke inspections, coal blend carbonization tests and coking processes, which are done in parallel in different scale coking environments. DMT provides state-of-the-art investigation methods for stamp charging and top charging:

  •  Pilot-scale coke testing in a 10kg-retort

The pilot-scale carbonization test permits faster investigations with limited quantities of coal (approx. 10–12 kg charging weight) in comparison to the semi-industrial coke oven. Yet, this laboratory scale carbonization system delivers valuable coke testing results regarding grade and properties of the material. The pilot-scale coking test retort is dedicated to fast and economical test results for the determination of CRI and CSR, estimation of mechanical strength and first indication of the coking properties.

  • Semi-industrial movable coke oven

DMT operates a movable wall oven with underfired natural gas heating flues. The chamber width is adjustable for 450 mm or 600 mm. The capacity of the furnace ranges from 450 to 1,000 kg depending on the chamber width and bulk density. The refractory stonework consists of silica bricks. The heating flues have similar cross cut dimensions as known from industrial scale ovens. Therefore the heat transfer from the heating walls into the coal charge compares perfectly with the industrial scale plant. Thus an optimum simulation of coke plant conditions is guaranteed.

  • 70-year experience of in-house coal analysis and blending
  • Generation of coal blends with selected coals from different origins to perform reference tests

Coke Grade Inspection

DMT supports coke making plants and blast furnace operators by continuously monitoring coal and coke quality, using international standards to determine coke grades. DMT provides CRI and CSR testing complying with ISO or ASTM standard. We are fully equipped to offer worldwide-standardized drum tests to determine coke properties (ISO, ASTM and JIS) for coking coals.

    Coal Characterisation

    DMT assists merchants and assesses their ironmaking products for marketing. In addition to general coal analysis and petrography, we offer comprehensive coke inspection and coal testing procedures of metallurgical coal properties related to cokemaking. Our services and technologies overarch:

    • Free Swelling Index
    • Dilatation
    • Gieseler Fluidity
    • Roga Index
    • Gray-King
    • Sapozhnikov Plastometer
    • Oxidation state according to ASTM D 5263

    Please feel free to contact our specialists.


