
Ideas for the mining industry of tomorrow - DMT is partner in the EIT Raw Materials Consortium

Over 100 companies, research and educational institutions from all over Europe have come together under the patronage of the European Union to form the EIT Raw Materials.

The consortium has the ambitious vision of turning the challenge of raw materials dependence into a strategic strength for Europe. Its mission is to improve the sustain­ability, growth and competitiveness of natural resources projects in Europe, while making them more environmentally friendly and socially acceptable at the same time. This includes primary deposits, secondary raw material resources (e.g. waste dumps), new recycling processes as well as the substitution of critical raw materials.

From the outset, DMT, a global specialist service provider at all levels of the raw mate­rials cycle, is bringing its varied expertise and experience to the table as one of the consortium's core partners. "We are especially committed to the introduction of innova­tive and sustainable products, processes and services," claimed Norbert Benecke, DMT's project manager for the EIT Raw Materials (, commenting on the core activities of the company. "This unique cooperation of so many leading companies, research institutes and universities from the natural resources sector in a network of excellence also offers us new possibilities and opportunities to enhance our own innovative strength, market presence and competitiveness."

DMT and some of its partners in the consortium are already involved in further innovation projects in the framework of the EU-program Horizon2020. This focuses, for example, on the development of new methods for in-situ mining of metals.

Upcoming steps will include participation in a coordination centre for the development of natural resources projects specifically in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, as well as innovative technology projects in cooperation with major European mining companies.

Contact and further information:

Norbert Benecke
Tel +49 201 172-2012

Download the press release Ideas for the mining industry of tomorrow (pdf).